Sunday, November 25, 2007

WHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Black Friday is over.

Thanks to all that came out and supported GSA. We did a tremendous volume in sales. Which every penny counts these days.
If you missed it, you missed a 50% off sale that lasted 2 days. We go back to regular pricing on Monday.
Speaking of Monday if your a jewelry buyer, I've got a ton of jewelry that I'm pricing over the weekend. Nice quality stuff just in time for your holiday gift giving needs.
Speaking of holiday's did you know we get a bunch of brand new items every week. These are perfect for gift giving. If they are brand new in the box you can look for them behind the counter.
If you a jewelry maker I have about 14 bags filled with earring parts. Labeled "Made in India. I think they might be silver but I can't tell. I know they tarnish when they are left out of their bags.
Thanks again for supporting us and finding a bargin along the way.